March 8th – Reassessing Progress

I am growing concerned that my second client is taking so long to get in touch with me, and I am realizing I need to get in touch with more potential clients as soon as I possibly can so I can get enough hours in by the end of class. I talked with my advisor this past Monday, and I am realizing I will have to get an incomplete at the end of class if I can’t get more hours as soon as possible. These past two weeks went by far too fast! I will be emailing the professor and the third potential client ASAP.

I have been using Toggl to track the time I spend on each project, so I should reassess where I am in terms of hours after I meet with my main client, Mrs. Wick, tomorrow.

4 responses to “March 8th – Reassessing Progress”

  1. I am having an issue with one of my clients also. The teacher might be able to get you a client. None of my clients were responding to me at first so the teacher found me a client. Of course, after I meet with the new client, my other clients start contacting me. I am still waiting on one Internship Learning Agreement to be signed. The other three ILAs were returned to me last week. So you still have time.

    1. I was worried that this could happen to me, so I hope I can wrap everything up well for my projects. I wish you the best of luck with working on and finishing up the work for your clients!

  2. I am sorry you are having so many issues. I am confident you will be able to find another client to complete your internship hours. I was having issues in the beginning but time is flying past now. I am still working on the schedule I have, but things are moving along fine so far.

    1. Thank you! I am finally beginning to have some more client work getting set up – I hope it goes well!

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