weekly recap

  • End of semester update

    During this last week, I finished up my professional development plan during the last week and moved forward with my client projects even further. I am hoping I can get enough hours with my two remaining projects. They are both going relatively well, but I am running a little behind with a couple of them,… Continue reading

  • March 31st Update

    This week, I worked on more of the documentation for my main internship project, met with my client to wrap up a phase of the project, and had a virtual meeting with the instructor to see how I should proceed with my fell-though internships. My list of tasks for the week is very large, so… Continue reading

  • Struggle Setting Up New Internships

    I worked on my client project this past week and moved forward with our content planning and website construction process. My client has stayed right on schedule. However, I experienced technical difficulties getting the website up and running because of poor internet speeds and problems with knowing how to upload the theme file. I eventually… Continue reading

  • Week of February 27 to March 5

    This week, I continued to work on my client work, utilizing the system I had set up in Trello for the first client and staying in touch with my second client, which is going rather slowly. This week, my first client had to cancel the meeting, so I had to stay in touch with her… Continue reading

  • Week of Feb 21-25

    This week I worked on my LinkedIn profile page and on my portfolio page site, further communicated with my second client, and finished the Content Delivery Plan with my first client. The Content Delivery Plan process finished off quite well, although we had to have an extra meeting just to make sure we understood all… Continue reading

  • Week of February 13-20

    During this week, I worked on getting my work samples completed. It was difficult and it took longer than expected to debug and update the HTML and CSS of all three of my sites, as I did not use PHP for all of the site elements as thoroughly as I would have wished. As far… Continue reading

  • Week of February 6th

    This week is still in progress, but I have been busy trying to get my drafts of cover letters and resume letters drafted and sent to the student employment services office for review. I want them to look nice and be sufficiently well-formatted and full of information useful to employers. Other items for this week… Continue reading

  • Week of January 30

    This week, I spent about four and a half hours writing and revising the project scope for my main client, and sending it to the teacher. This did not include the classwork time. I ended up canceling my client meeting because the scope approval process was behind schedule, and I was not feeling well. In… Continue reading