End of semester update

During this last week, I finished up my professional development plan during the last week and moved forward with my client projects even further. I am hoping I can get enough hours with my two remaining projects. They are both going relatively well, but I am running a little behind with a couple of them, so I am glad the official semester is over so I can concentrate on them. It has been interesting trying to coordinate meetings with my clients’ busy schedules. I look forward to working on the projects in my professional development plan, and since I have an extension on my two remaining projects, I will probably continue to post just for my personal reference.

I also would like to start a personal WordPress blog for my portfolio website; but to do that, I would like to make a WordPress theme to match the design I already hand-coded into my portfolio page.

One response to “End of semester update”

  1. I hope making a WordPress theme goes smoothly for you so you are able to achieve exactly what you want. I hope all of your projects run smoothly and you continue to gain experience and clients! Good luck!

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