Themes, Documentation, and Research (Weekly Progress Update)

This past week I have moved into the production phase with my first client, I have reached out to another potential client who has reached out to me to get the ball rolling soon, and I am networking with a friend to see if I can get another client project going. With my first client, I will be working on making logo images and putting up the first draft of the site. During my last meeting, I also worked with my client to purchase a theme for her site, decide on adjustments to the theme, and review licensing information for the site. This weekend she was able to have her photo shoot arranged for images on the site, so that is progressing along nicely. I am glad that I set up a Trello board and a Canva space for content production management. I am going to be pushing hard this next week to make sure I stay on track for client work, and that I can get more client work. Since graphic design work is permitted, I may reach out to people to see if I can do anything in that realm as well.

2 responses to “Themes, Documentation, and Research (Weekly Progress Update)”

  1. I am sorry to hear about all the issues you are having finding a client. Initially, my clients were not contacting me back either. But once they did, the ball started rolling. You could reach out to some businesses and offer your services for a discount, just to get some experience.
    I am currently using GoDaddy Pro to manage my client projects. I will see if I am able to manage the assets in there also. This week, I am also going to set up the staging websites for my clients so I can work on them in a live environment. I still have a few weeks before I start on the production work though.

    1. That is a good idea! If my current client arrangements fall through I will have to reach out to some local businesses.

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