• Porting VR Apps: Android vs Desktop

    There is a long list of steps involved with developing any VR app, but this list will look very different depending on which platform you are developing for. https://developer.android.com/games/engines/unity/build-in-unity There are three main things you have to bear in mind when working with Android apps: hardware-software compatibility concerns, processing power and optimization concerns, and testing…

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  • Upcoming Let’s Encrypt Update will Affect Android 7.0 and Earlier

    You may have gotten a notice from Cloudflare or other DNS/hosting/SSL provider about roots and keys and SSL and other confusing terms, with a link to a Let’s Encrypt article: https://letsencrypt.org/2023/07/10/cross-sign-expiration.html In a nutshell, this is related to encryption certificate policies changing this year that will cause compatibility issues on older devices. Essentially, websites using…

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  • I Need to Learn About Databases

    I have reached the point in my programming journey where I want to build apps that pull from a vast collection of data – but so far, I only know how to work with JSON, and not very well, at that. I have heard of CSV, of MySQL, ProgestreSQL, and the browser database storage system…

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  • Ways to Fix Mysterious WordPress Bugs

    Opening the permalinks page and hitting save fixes random bugs on many WordPress sites. That’s all, folks.

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  • How to Make Triangles with CSS

    This article is really cool! https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/css-triangle/ I used this triangle to add a sort of “chat bubble” effect to a navigation using pseudo selectors and absolute positioning. The possibilities for this concept, however, are limitless!

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  • How to Carry Yourself Professionally

    How to carry yourself with dignity and propriety within both professional and formal contexts. It is important to make good first impressions, and to retain these good impressions. Mistakes to avoid:

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  • A Concise Guide to Direct Communication

    When communicating about a problem, have you ever had a hard time getting to the point when talking because you want to be defensive, apologize to much, or even cast blame? This is not efficient. Try this instead: Direct Communication To prevent confusion in communication, here is how to communicate problems you are having directly…

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  • White Screen in Beaver Builder – Caused by Bad Custom CSS

    The other day I pasted a huge chunk of CSS from a file from an email into the CSS in Beaver Builder, and suddenly the beaver builder edit mode was just a white screen. I was unable to make any further edits, and could not figure out how to fix it for days. I wanted…

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  • How to Fix Typographic Widows / Orphans in WordPress

    Have you ever wanted to know how to fix a word that wraps to its own line on a WordPress page or article? There is a way to do this using just a little bit of code inserted into your theme’s function.php file. I found this out through https://www.kevinleary.net/blog/fix-hanging-words-wordpress/#how-to-fix-typographic-widows-in-wordpress. However, the code I inserted into…

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