mini update

  • End of semester update

    During this last week, I finished up my professional development plan during the last week and moved forward with my client projects even further. I am hoping I can get enough hours with my two remaining projects. They are both going relatively well, but I am running a little behind with a couple of them,… Continue reading

  • Professional Development Plan Ideas

    Over this summer, I will want to keep expanding and sharpening my web development skills. Here are some of the top career development activities I want to do: My top three favorite ideas for career development: Jeff Delaney at says Angular is one of the longest-used and most robust frameworks. Apparently, it is going… Continue reading

  • PHP is so fun

    I have been meaning to post a tutorial on how I built my first website at using nothing but PHP, HTML, and CSS. Hand coding the global element HTML and making sure it is the same on all pages by hand is an absolute nightmare, and using JS to insert it would be frustrating… Continue reading

  • April 1st Update

    My update is…. look at the date 😀 Continue reading

  • Themes, Documentation, and Research (Weekly Progress Update)

    This past week I have moved into the production phase with my first client, I have reached out to another potential client who has reached out to me to get the ball rolling soon, and I am networking with a friend to see if I can get another client project going. With my first client,… Continue reading

  • March 8th – Reassessing Progress

    I am growing concerned that my second client is taking so long to get in touch with me, and I am realizing I need to get in touch with more potential clients as soon as I possibly can so I can get enough hours in by the end of class. I talked with my advisor… Continue reading