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  • The CSS Accent-color Property

    Yesterday I learned that there is a CSS way to control accent colors. This allows a website’s input fields to blend with the rest of the UX. I wish I had known about this CSS property before, because so far, the form fields in my projects have all used the same jarring blue color. A… Continue reading

  • Soft Skills that will Help In Your Career

    According to, employers are seeking candidates that score well in the soft skills below. Continue reading

  • How to add a CSS Border-Image Continue reading

  • Postel’s law vs Miller’s Law

    Postel’s law focuses on making design versatile, flexible, and satisfactory for as many users as possible. MIller’s law focuses on breaking information into chunks so that it is easier to make sense of. They are similar in that they are focused on creating design-centered experiences. However, they are different in that Postel’s law is broader,… Continue reading

  • What is an API?

    I am learning about API’s today. I am seeking to find out, what are they, and how are they used in web and mobile app design? Here are my notes: sources Continue reading

  • Data Privacy Laws 2023 (TLDR)

    Data privacy laws are infuriatingly complicated because of the nature of the internet is that it is accessed by countries around the globe, thus resulting in jurisdiction complications. To add insult to injury, the governments around the world are continually updating laws. Here is a brief summary of where data privacy laws stand in 2023.… Continue reading

  • Intellectual Property and its Protection Methods (TLDR)

    Intellectual property may consist of ideas, procedures, mathematical formulas, source code, and other unique abstract entities used by a given company. Intellectual property is key to successful competition in most industries. In order protect intellectual property, there is a wide variety of laws and processes that are employed. Patent Law Patents are legal records that… Continue reading

  • More PWA notes

    Resources on learning about PWAs Tutorials: Anatomy of a Manifest File Continue reading

  • Making iOS apps and PWA’s (TLDR)

    Some things I am learning Continue reading

  • PWAs vs Native Apps (TLDR)

    There are two ways to make apps. They are similar yet very different in the end. PWAs PWAs are compatible with most devices, which makes the coding process more time efficient. They act like native apps and can be placed on the home screen, but without the need for an app store as an intermediary.… Continue reading